jealousyLast evening after Mark came home he had over some of the people from his little LGBT club at his school. Three of these pretty boys, and two lesbians, sitting around close to him. Green eyed monster, oh yes.

I spent my evening sitting in the bedroom; ostensibly not to be in their way, but mostly because I didn’t want to watch how Mark sat next to the pretty boys. How he laughed with them, how they made him laugh.

Grey clouds overhead, and rain is just balancing on the edge, but never comes, and you sit and wait for the first drops. Waiting, waiting, waiting, tense. That’s sort of how it felt. I can’t do anything about my jealousy, except go hide when it strikes and wait for it to pass. I can’t ever give in to it, because it’s not fair, and it is not rational.

So, maybe he has tried to date one of these guys. They’re in his school, and I wasn’t in his life. It doesn’t mean anything. But…

It is weird how your heart and head can have such utterly contradictory states. Intellectually I can know something is whacked, wrong, stupid. Emotionally I can be raging. It’s like my head stands apart, watching in slack-jawed shock, stammering protests. My heart is raging up the street with the signs, chanting in protest or happiness or whatever.

Can a human being really be that split? Can the corporeal be a stupid idiot, and the mind be a wise things, and can they both exist in the same body at the same time? Particularly during upheavals? I need to get a grip on this jealousy thing. It doesn’t strike often, but still. I’ll be a wreck when me and Mark only see each other a couple of days per week from next year.


gayprideThe LGBT rights movement started because some transvestites got sick of the police raiding their bars, and they stuck a few bricks in their handbags and got to work. Those were the Stonewall riots, and the LGBT-community around the world owe a lot to those transvestites.

That is why it’s tragic to sometimes hear gay men bluster about how “they don’t want to be associated with cross-dressers, and how the media will associate them with those people”. If those cross-dressers hadn’t rioted, and started the whole Pride Parade thing, all of us would be a lot worse off.

One of the pretty boys had such an argument about “those horrid cross-dressers” last night, and now I’m wondering if I think he’s so wrong because I don’t like him, or because his argument is flawed? I can field such rational arguments about it, but do I really believe any of it?

Can I be that shallow? Would I disagree with him if he said “The world is round” simply because I feel that stupid jealousy? Lack of information. I think I should get to know these pretty boys. They do behave, and act nice. It’s just my own stupidity that is behaving now. Maybe if I knew them, I’d stop.

Or maybe if I tried to be as groomed as they are, I’d be less jealous. Maybe I should be prettier and more superficial. Maybe that’s the road ahead. Maybe I should spend three hours each morning grooming myself. I think I’m losing it.


eeyore_rainI’ve sent Mark off again to work, so there’s another day where I have to find something to do. I still have all that school work to do, and the novella.

Going out yesterday wasn’t such a good idea since it was another one of those cold, climatically unstable days where you don’t know if it is going to rain or not, and where it always rains when it is most inconvenient.

Since I was alone, and none of my friends from school were available for some adventure, I decided to go down to the town centre to do some window shopping, and maybe find a new book to add to the growing collection of books that I should read. Maybe I would also meet people that I recognised. Who knows?

It was mostly about me meandering from shop to shop, bored out of my skull, and regretting having gone down. It always seemed to stop raining when I went into a shop, and to start raining when I came out onto the streets again.

I did find a new book that looks interesting, and which I shall add to my list, knowing full well that I never get to the bottom of any such list. I always add and add and add books, and remove books that I realise that I’ll never actually read.